It is never too early to think about life insurance. Life insurance takes care of your loved ones in the event of you passing. The money can be used to make up for lost income, fund your child’s education, and help with debt that unfortunately could be left to your loved ones to payoff. Talk to one of our life insurance professionals to see what kind of life insurance policy will fit you and your needs the best.
Types of Life Insurance Available
Term Life Insurance - Provides coverage for a specified number of years. Term life plans generally provide the greatest amount of coverage for the lowest premium as compared to other forms of protection. Usually term life insurance is used provide temporary coverage.
Whole Life Insurance - Generally whole life policies are referred to as permanent protection as long as the premium is paid coverage will continue for your entire life. Whole life insurance provides a level death benefit protection with level premiums and guaranteed cash values. The guaranteed cash values can provide needed cash for emergency family needs and can help supplement future retirement income.
Universal Life Insurance - Provides immediate cash value, flexible premium payment plans, tax deferred savings and guaranteed death benefits. Universal Life policies are flexible and can be designed to fit an individual’s protection needs as well as their budget.
Simplified Issue Whole Life - Provides guaranteed premiums, death benefit protection and cash values to age 110 for insureds 50-80. Best part about these plans is the easy to complete short form application with minimal underwriting requirements
Simplified Issue Children’s Life Advantage Plan Plus - This plan offers guaranteed premiums, death benefit protection and cash values to age 110 for insureds 15 days to age 17. The death benefit will increase automatically 50% at age 18 and then again at age 25, with no increase in premium.
Have you thought about your retirement recently? We offer annuities to help you plan for your retirement. Annuities grow tax deferred and can offer you an income stream that you are not able to outlive. They are an excellent way to plan for the future.